Sunday services

Family service, 11am

Our family service is the ideal place to find out more about what the Bible teaches. Everyone is very welcome, whatever their background or beliefs. You’ll find a mix of about 60-80 people of all ages.

The service usually lasts just over an hour. It includes singing, prayer, a Bible reading and a talk, where the speaker’s aim is to explain the Bible’s message in a clear, warm and relevant way.

We have a number of children in the church and the service includes a section specifically for them. Children are very welcome to stay in the main service throughout – please don’t feel embarrassed if they make a noise, we’re used to it!

There is also a crèche in the back room (accessed via the side door), where young children can enjoy a Bible story, craft activity and snack.

People stay around after the service for tea and coffee – and usually some are still here talking an hour later! We try to look out for any visitors and make them feel at home.

We meet at 141 Cotton End Road – for a map, please see Directions.

Sunday evening service, 6:30pm

Our evening service is another opportunity to learn more from the Bible together, and anyone is welcome to join us.

Guest services

Every so often our Sunday morning service is in Wilstead village hall (see Directions for how to get there). On these occasions we address life’s big questions and common things people ask about the Bible.

You are very welcome to join us at these services, and we hope you’ll find answers to your questions. Please visit Special events to find out more about the next guest service.

There’s lots more going on too…

If you live in Wilstead, you should receive an invitation to our popular Carols in the village hall through your door each Christmas. And you may well have seen our October half term Holiday Bible Club advertised. (To find out more see Special events.)

Church is a group of people, not a building or set of activities. Why not find out more about how knowing Jesus Christ has changed the lives of people from our church? (See Real lives.)

Special events

We have regular events that we think you might find particularly interesting. You would be most welcome at any of these events.



Christmas Carols

7:30pm Thursday 19 December, Wilstead Village Hall

Come and enjoy singing traditional carols, with a short talk on the hope of Christmas, and stay for mince pies afterwards

One life. What’s it all about?


Have you ever wondered what the Bible’s really all about? Or who Jesus really was? Or why He died a criminal’s death on the cross?

Christianity Explored is a chance to find out more about the Bible’s message and its central character, Jesus Christ. It’s an informal course where you can ask any questions, but won’t be asked to do anything you don’t want to.

We run Christianity Explored courses in a home, at a time convenient to everyone involved. It takes about seven sessions to complete the course. Each session includes a video clip, looking at a short Bible passage together, and time for questions and discussion.

The course is free of charge. To find out more, please speak to anyone from the church, call Mark and Angela on 741647 or email

Join an Exploring Christianity course

Bible studies

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”

2 Timothy 3:16 (The Bible)

Church Bible study

For an in-depth study of God’s word, come to our weekly church Bible study on Wednesday evenings at 7:45pm.

Church prayer meeting

The first Wednesday of each month is a prayer meeting rather than a Bible study, again at 7:45pm.

Younger ladies’ Bible study

Want to find out more about the Bible? Does it really make a difference in people’s lives today? Our ladies’ Bible studies will help you discover what the Bible says in a relaxed and friendly setting. We meet every other Monday at 1:30pm.

Senior ladies’ Bible study

Our senior ladies’ group meets once a month to look at the Bible together. We also enjoy regular outings and meals. We can provide transport if you need it.